EEE Ethics and Ecological Economics – EEEtheWorld
Check out this forum…
EEE Forum: Diverse Perspectives on Earth Stewardship
Under the theme of "Religion and Theology in the Public Square," three panelists will present quite different perspectives on caring for the earth from 1:30 to 3:30pm in Shattuck Hall at the Iliff School of Theology on Tuesday, January 17th. The event is co-sponsored by the Ethics and Ecological Economics (EEE) Forum at Iliff and Colorado Interfaith Power & Light.
Parking info is here<>.
Love spreading the EEE!
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Organizing a ToDo List: TRUTH. MATTER. LIFE. LIGHT. LOVE. SOUL.TRUTH – EEEtheWorld
- Passionate & actionable progression towards my degree & Career goals- Don’t get stressed about school work /Time Mgmt with Center
- Maintain strong relationships with cherished and unique people in my life- say NO to projects so I can say YES to friends (When I want!!)
- Deepen my practice of sound health via heart soul mind and body – YOGA/Meditation/Morning Core/ Aerobic Commitment
- Life basics- TAKE CARE OF ME! Work/School/CommitmentsMe ~ Chores/Finances/Personal GrowthPlay/FitnessOther-What am I doing for Others?
- Start a family ? Take care of Dilly!! (and FiFi and Ryan)
- Progress with yogEEE foodEEE funEEE Philosopheee
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Climb Your Mountains, Live Your Legend – EEEtheWorld

Letter to Live Your Legend Network from Scott’s Wife Chelsea…
Dearest Legends,
It has been awhile since I have written from my heart because my heart has been doing a lot discovering, and often times during discovery a voice needs to remain silent for a bit…
But today, April 3rd was Scott’s birthday, and I felt compelled to express my gratitude for this community. Scott was one of the most grateful and gracious people I have ever known and in honor of him (and because of all you have done for me), I say thank you – to each and every one of YOU.
I thank you for being here and remaining a part of this community through the bumpy ride it’s been to continue it since Scott’s passing. You all welcomed me with open arms as I found my way last year and continue to do so as my own personal journey evolves.
There are so many beautifully challenging things that reveal themselves in every journey and I am doing my best to find the purpose in all of them. So, a quick update on what’s been going on behind the scenes… At the end of 2016, I (what felt like overnight) began to feel out of alignment. I felt a calling to continue to honor Scott through keeping Live Your Legend going strong but also felt called to honor myself and my own dreams, in addition.
To get back to feeling aligned, in January of this year I made the decision to bring on two partners to help me run Live Your Legend: Lonnie Rush and Jake Taylor, who were close friends of Scott. They were a part of the Lake Tahoe mastermind sessions that shaped Live Your Legend and were with Scott in Omaha every year to learn from Warren Buffett at the Berkshire meeting. Their strong operational and financial backgrounds will be a big help to Live Your Legend and allow me more time to do what I’m best at in growing and interacting with our amazing community.
Now I recognize how deeply fortunate I am but want to address the fact that this wasn’t the easiest decision to make, for number of reasons, but mostly because it meant is that I am now forced to face me…
Keeping Live Your Legend as my sole purpose would have undoubtedly been an honorable thing to do. Helping people lead better lives is a reputable and enjoyable way to spend your days. But in making the choice to step aside from actually running the business, (not back, just aside), I have to answer one of life’s biggest questions:
"Why are you here, Chelsea?"
I wasn’t ready to answer that last year while processing the deep loss. And trust me, since making that decision, I’ve many times wanted to backpedal from it, haha. But while it would have been much easier to continue to ride Scott’s wave, I am not here to live an easy life, I am here to live a meaningful one. And, if I have learned anything from surfing, it’s that catching your own wave is so worth it in the end. #yeeeeeew
So, I practiced what we preach at Live Your Legend, and instead of running to something else to fill an emotional void, I relinquished the pressure of Live Your Legend needing to be my sole source of income. Neither myself nor the partners are likely taking a salary this year because we wanted to be driven by the motive to keep Scott’s mission alive, rather than by stressing to meet certain revenue goals. I tapped into my savings account and came out to spend a few months in Australia becoming my own self-expert all over again.
Because my life changed so drastically and suddenly, it only makes sense that who I am and what I want out of life may have also changed… So, that’s what I came to discover. And once again, I recognize how fortunate I am, but also want to note that the decision to welcome change in a fairly comfortable situation does require some level of courage. Much more on that in a post coming soon…
Meanwhile, as Scott’s birthday was nearing, I have had many in our community approach me about ways to honor Scott on what would have been his 35th birthday. And I personally believe that there is no greater way to continue to love, thank and remember a man who impacted so many than to, not only live and breathe what he stood for, but to also spread the message that he believed in so deeply.
And that is why I am honored to share this compilation that Live Your Legend member and How to Connect With Anyone graduate Ryan Foss put together to tell the amazing Live Your Legend story (so far!). Thank You Ryan!
Scott said it time and time again: when you do the things that inspire you, it inspires others to do the things that inspire them. That is how we create a ripple effect that becomes unstoppable.
If you believe in this mission, this community and what Scott set out to do, I encourage you to first and foremost, live it, but also to share the message with those around you and inspire them as well.
We each have an opportunity to do our small, but meaningful part to change the world.
So today (and everyday), I do my part to live my legend but I also share what Scott stood for with the world around me. If you believe in the Live Your Legend mission, I hope you’ll feel compelled to do the same with your friends and family – who knows, maybe it’ll make a massive difference to spark the change in someone’s life…
Happy birthday to the amazing Scott Luckey Dinsmore…
Here’s to continuing to fight the good fight,
Chelsea Dinsmore
P.S. Here’s a link for easily sharing the new video on social media:
Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Gift – EEEtheWorld
We live in a whimsical mountainous land,
A constant reminder of God’s genius at hand.
And we push and we pull against the test of time, Challenging the authentic, what’s natural, divine.
Humans have changed the canvas of life;
Once a balance of colors now blurry with strife. Acting like our presence is better for this planet, Although we waste, and pollute, and take life for granted.
So wake up and breathe deeply, and dance into the light.
Imagine a world where we all can unite.
To save what is sacred and balanced and free-
To savor what exists from the mountains to the sea.
Step outside and whisper "thank you, I’m sorry, I’ll try…"
To teach others your brilliance, and put a rest to the lie.
The ignorance, the warring, the ambivalence, the curse.
That we all take for granted the beauty of this Earth.
Let’s recycle, let’s compost, let’s cut down on our waste.
We can be a conscious consumers without too much haste.
We can respect our neighbors, and smile at strangers.
We’ll aim to protect Mother Nature in the face of dangers.
We can band together and commence better ways,
To live life sustainably for the rest of our days.
So bright clouds of turmoil that enliven the skies,
Thank you for helping to open our eyes.
To the fact that we all are in this together,
Yet you are the one in control of the wheather.
We owe you, we love you, when we stand in your presence,
We realize the truth, that nature is the present.
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
rupi kaur – EEEtheWorld
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Prepare your spirit vegetable – EEEtheWorld
What’s your spirit vegetable?Take this quiz to find out! I’m very excited that my purple kohlrabis turned out so well!! Time to cook em up:
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
What EEE used to bEEE – EEEtheWorld
Chopping up the ABOUT page on the blog, so posting this to keep old words and thoughts a part of herstory.
The cool thing about life (and EEE) is that it EEEvolves
4 years later, a lot has happened, therefore EEE is updating.
This was the original about page written Nov. 14th 2014:
EEE’ing the World…WHAT!?
EEEEE is a sound, a sight, a scent, a taste, a feeling, an Extraordinarily Ebullient Experience – that particular onomatopoeia which crosses communication barriers no matter where you are in THE WORLD to Express Existent, Emotional Elation
EEE is righteously sEEEing the world via conscious awareness of all.
EEE is truly fEEEling the world through attuned sensory perception.
EEE can be a gratifying alignment of heart, soul, and mind with the energEEE of the universe.
Across our globe, hopefully the expression of EEEEE and the stories which follow will be joyful, soul-opening, freeing expressions of new found worldliness. Nonetheless, growth comes from a balance of gratefulness gained from good and understanding learned from bad.
On a personal note, EEE also happens to be an alteration representing all actions in my life aligning with many aspects to live a healthy passionate lifestyle: EAT. EDUCATE. EXPLORE
~ understanding local food culture, tastes, procurement, preparation
~understanding of what you are eating, who prepared it, and where it came from to ensure personal health and sustainable practices for our planet
You are what you EAT.
EATING is a connectedness with nature and so many of us have completely lost touch with that.EDUCATE WITH OPENNESS ~empowerment through knowledge is the easiest way to gain personal confidence, potential and acceptance. The ability to share empathy of experience and knowledge of the world, as well as remaining open minded to others, is the surest way to leave a peaceful, intelligent mark in a lifetime.
~meeting new people, rounding corners not knowing whats on the other side, jumping out of the comfort zone, using laughter as the highest form of communication, trying new things never even imagined,… this is what energizes more than anything and when positive energy can be passed to another, hopefully that will make a difference.This is EEE.
This is what EEEEE’ing the world means!Yours trulEEE,
<3 Hallieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
CEAA – Chief Executive Audience Ambassador
Founder EEEtheWorld
#eeetheworld @EEEtheWorldComments!? Questions!? Your personal EEE moment!? What is EEE to you!? Please share with THE WORLD!
Contribute to the EEE gallerEEE!EEE-mail for more info.
Posted on January 3rd, 2020
NOLA stole my 💓 just as fast as this guy did! – EEEtheWorld

So much love to Ryan and his family especially his mama and Aunt Moe and Patrick and Catie for getting married and bringing us all together!
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Brene – EEEtheWorld
My heros TOGETHER:
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
There is no such thing as bad weather – EEEtheWorld

Just gotta get bundled up!
Ryan and I both discussed how lucky we are to live in a place where everyone truly believes there is no such thing as bad weather, as long as you are dressed for it.
Everyone we passed on the trail today expressed how excited they were that it was snowing.
Dil, Ryan and I had a blast hiking our backyard route to the hut- about 6 miles roundtrip.
Posted on January 3rd, 2020