

EEE’ing the World….WHAT!? EEEEE is a sound, a sight, a scent, a taste, a feeling, an Extraordinarily Ebullient Experience – that particular onomatopoeia which crosses communication barriers no matter where you are in THE WORLD to Express Existent, Emotional Elation. EEEEE IS...

Dare to Fail – EEEtheWorld

  • EEEtheWorld Experience the World. Evolve Yourself. Engage Your Community.

Connectedness – EEEtheWorld

November 17, 2015


I will do a Ted talk someday and it will focus on connectedness.

Connectedness to food and nature: The movement towards regional food socio-ecology and implementing this new system throughout the US.

Connectedness to love, sex and relationships:How to facilitate authentic connectedness in our technological world…

Super excited. Paper coming soon In two weeks!


Eating, Educating, and Exploring my way through this world!

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Persimmons – EEEtheWorld

December 8, 2015


I woke up this morning, early at seven,

for sun salutations to start my day in heaven.

Then perked up the coffee and right on the shelf

Was a perfectly ripe persimmon, I could eat myself.

Spicy and fragrant, vibrant orange and sweet

This seasonal persimmon will make a perfect breakfast treat!

So I grabbed some cinnamon, honey and butter,

And my black iron skillet- cook with nothing other.

I sauteed the fruit for ten minutes time,

they crisped up deliciously- so good almost a crime.

The oatmeal was easy- just a minute in the mike

a smidgen of salt andaddcream if you like.

After the persimmons were finished I placed them on top

then dove into this winter day starter, which I loved a lot!


Eating, Educating, and Exploring my way through this world!

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Joyeuse Nouvelle 2016 – EEEtheWorld

January 6, 2016

Joyeuse Nouvelle 2016

Reflecting is a therapeutic process to ensure growth. Where have you been? Who were you with? What did you learn? Why was the momentsignificant to your life path? How does this experience impact your past, present, and future?

Here is a look at 2015 Month by Month…


The icywinter wonderland of home sweet home Wisconsin and Illinois and Indiana was a harsh change from the sunshine and humidity of the mountains I’d been trekking through and the Seas I’d been swimming in Thailand. But climate does not matter when you are surrounded by people you love. World travels puts that into perspective quickly, so I made the most of my month home by spending it with People I love!

Molly Roloff: NYE SNL Theme Party with her awesome homies in West Bend, WI)

Mom & Dad: Ice Skating at the Lakehouse in Elkhorn, WI and participating in the World’s Snow Sculpture Contest in Lake Geneva, WI

Nana: This brilliant 93 year old woman keeps inspiring me everyday and lives vicariously through my travels- I got my wanderlust from her!

The Rohrs: Amanda and Brian are best friends from college (Go Hoosiers!) and it is exciting to see Brooks exploringand settling into their new home in Downer’s Grove, IL.

The Indy Crew: Krista Robinson and Caroline Eaton. We had fun celebrating Brigg’s 3rd Bday with Lottie- It is incredible how fast these tots are growing up! in Brownsburg, IN.

The Homies: KK, KT, Sarah, & Gina all make me feel at home in Milwaukee.

Buggy: My Sissy let me crash at her cozy studio and she is cooking proof that a good chef can make delicious creations no matter the size of the kitchen!


Eating, Educating, and Exploring my way through this world!

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I’m just gonna write… – EEEtheWorld

January 7, 2016

I’m just gonna write…

…and it’s going to change everyday. In the past, I’ve been overly concerned about having a perfect theme for this blog paired with perfect posts.

I’vehad so many ideas floating through my head that never come to fruition on this keyboard due to my fear of the literature not being just right.

Well 2016 is the year of mistakes… that is right… I am not afraid to just go for it. Trial and error = progress.

There are so many quotes that run through my head coinciding with this theme like Thomas Edison’s 100 or so attempts at creating the lightbulb and Michael Jordan not making his high school basketball team. A mentor of mine and pastexecutive at SB, John Stoiber,runs a blog titled King of Failure "Failure is a moment – Success is a Lifetime". That’s what I am going for. You get this gist? Mark Cuban even declares that no one will remember your failures as soon as you achieve success.

And what does success look like for EEEtheWorld this year? Consistent writing. Period.


Eating, Educating, and Exploring my way through this world!

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Support Healthy Sustainable Lunch – EEEtheWorld

February 10, 2016

Support Healthy Sustainable Lunch

Props to organizations like FOCUS for paving their way innovatively in the complicated school lunch system. Keep up your hard work!


Eating, Educating, and Exploring my way through this world!

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Hunger, Faith & Food Conference – EEEtheWorld

February 25, 2016

Hunger, Faith & Food Conference

Guest post by Andre Roux, Director of 25 Farms, My CSA go to and Chef of Hunger, Faith & Food Conference…

Hot off the heels of the Hunger Faith and Food Conference.

Well, the conference was a success!In partnering with about a dozen non-profit organizations around Denver, we were able to make a meal for about 200 people. The only problem we ran into was that the biggest storm in a decade hit Denver and the city basically shut down. That put a damper on things. We still had about 100 people in attendance, but the meal moved forward nonetheless.

Above, are two pictures from the event taken by someone with a cellphone (weather prevented the professional photographed from showing up). The pictures and the plating aren’t great, but I’m confident we had the busiest lunch in Denver that day, so I won’t complain. Both meals are made from rice and beans and the same base ingredients, but are radically different from one another. The basic meal is a SNAP benefit meal of rice and beans with commonly available condiments (a Have-Not meal).The other meal (a Have’s Meal) is a rice flour ravioli, stuffed with fermented black beans, creamy risotto cooked in a vegetable stock, smoked shiitake mushrooms, served witha sundriedtomato mousse,and tomato-infused pepper oils. Again, the ingredients were almost identical for each meal, but we wanted to show-taste-touch-smell-swallow, the difference that access to resources makes in the lives of those who live in poverty and those who do not.

Food is a very powerful communicator. How we eat can say more about how we live than what jobs we have, cars we drive, and friends we keep. For some of us, our eating habits can compete with our closest family and friends in describing who we are; the grab-and-go foods, the midnight-fridge-raids, family dinner nights, comfort food, and the junk food dancing in our mouths like nobody is watching! All of these are just a few ways food betrays our deepest intimacies and relationships with the outside world. Tell me HOW a person eats for 25 days, and I’ll show you everything you would want to know about that person. Our identities are right there in front of our noses: income levels, world location, education, job type, stress-level, free-time, family-time, food allergies, I can go on for a while and I bet you could too. There was a study a while back that demonstrated a correlation between people who parked by reversing into the parking space and people who were successful in life. Reverse-parkers demonstrate a higher than average ability to delay gratificationand therefore are on average more successful in life.Just imagine what your food says about your ability to delay gratification and be successful. In a country struggling with an obesity epidemic, food is the biggest struggle we face with self-control while at the same time also the most masked systemic exploitation of eaters by corporations providing low-cost unhealthy food to the public and then claiming it’s just the public’sresponsibilityand lack of self-control that leads to obesity. These two pictures encapsulate food for me and express the tensions of it. While I’m not aiming for an art project here (some JamesFranco thing), I feel this tension in a food system that is both broken and beautiful, and cannot genuinely do one without exposing the other. It is the Ugh and Mhmm of Food.Jekyll and Hyde on a plate.

In closing, I ask: What does the food of 25 Farms say about our daily lives? Our value of living wages? Of healthy eating? Of convenience? Of relationships?



From The GrowHaus:
Butter Lettuce
Greenstar Lettuce

From Colorado Aquaponics:
Rainbow Chard
Romaine Lettuce


Here’s what every salad needs:

Vegetables [Greens/Raw/Grilled/Roasted/Pickled]
+ Dressing [Vinaigrette/Creamy]
+ Crunchies [Seeds/Nuts/Croutons/Granola]
+ Optional Protein [Meat/Cheese/More Cheese]
+ Optional Extras [Herbs/Fruit/Grains/Etc.]
= Salad!

IsSummer Squash Slawa salad? You bet it is. Photo: Christina Holmes

The Veg
Look, it’s a salad. You’re going to need to put some veggies in there.

Choose at least one, or as many as you want:
Greens:Raw greens are what most people think when they hear the word “salad.” And with good reason: Most greens are better eaten fresh. Choosetenderlettuce leaves and greens, like spinach, Bibb orLittle Gem, for more delicate salads;spicy or bittergreens, likearugula, dandelion greens, orchicory, for bossy vinaigrettes; orsturdygreens, like thinly sliced kale, for marinated and massaged salads.

Raw:Lettuce and greens aren’t the only ones who can go raw. Try using a vegetable peeler to make fibrous veggies more palatable (looking at you,asparagus). For crunchy vegetables, likekohlrabi, just chop them into bite-size pieces and throw them in. For usually-cooked vegetables, likebeetsandsquash, either slice them very thinly or grate them to make them easier to digest.

Grilled:Grilling vegetables likealliums, squash, eggplant, and more, adds smokiness and, depending on how aggressive you get, a nice char. If you can dream it, you can grill it (yep, evengreens)—so provided your Weber is at the ready, feel free to toss those veggies on the barbie.

Roasted:And, as the saying goes: If you can grill it, you can roast it. At least, it’s a saying now. Go easy on the oil, so your vegetables aren’t weighted down with grease.

Pickled:Pickled vegetablesadd a funky, fermented note, and bump up the flavor in a big way. Combine them with raw vegetables or greens for a one-two punch; they’re a bit too intense to make up an entire salad.

Grilled veg, a bracing vinaigrette, crunchy nuts, and fresh herbs? Yep, it’s a salad. Photo: Ryan Liebe

The Dressing
Without a dressing, your salad is just a sad bowl of vegetables.

Choose one
Vinaigrette:A classic vinaigrette is made with fat and acid; traditionally, olive oil and either vinegar or lemon juice. But these days, you can getcrazy with your vinaigrettes. Feel free to add warm bacon fat (it will solidify at room temperature), or experiment with a variety of vinegars and citrus juices.

Thick and Creamy:Hearty salads with big flavors can stand up to creamy, rich dressings likeranchorbuttermilk. Not sure what dressing your salad can handle?This guidebreaks it down.

Spicy seed brittle takes thiscollard greens saladto the next level. Photo: Nicole Franzen

The Crunchies
Having something to really sink your teeth into makes any salad feel more satisfying.

Choose at lease one, or as many as you want:
Seeds:Some of our favorite options: Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds (go easy on ’em; too many can taste fishy), sunflower seeds, andhempseeds.

Nuts:Toast them first to bring out their flavor, and chop them for easier bites.

Croutons:We like homemade. Use any old loaf you have on hand. Or,pita bread!

Savory Granola:We always keepa batch of thisclose-by. Cayenne and fennel makes it savory.

Chicken! Bulgur! Pistachios!This salad has a little bit of everything—and not too much of anything. Photo: Peden + Munk

The Optionals
You could certainly stop there. But why not make it a meal?

Choose as many as you want.
Fresh herbs:Add big handfuls oftender and soft herbs, like mint, parsley, cilantro, and basil. These work better with lighter vinaigrettes than thick dressings.

Fruit:Think beyond the berry. If it’s ripe and ready, why not? Choose fruits that are complementary in flavor to the rest of your ingredients. Yes, avocado counts. Equally tasty: dried fruit, like raisins, dried cranberries, or dehydrated apple.

Protein:Cold leftover roasted chicken, hot and crispyground lamb,poached eggs, basicallyany cheese ever… a little protein goes a long way when it comes to rounding out a salad. But let the vegetables be the star; there’s a time and a place for anax-handlesteak, and it’s not on your kale.

Grains & Carbs:The easiest way to bulk up a salad is with a small addition of cookedgrains, likequinoa, bulgur,couscous,barley,farro,wheat berries…you get the picture. Be mindful that the grains will soak up more dressing than the veg, so adjust accordingly.
Originally written by Rochelle Billow, published at Bon Appetit:


Eating, Educating, and Exploring my way through this world!

Unpublished now published – EEEtheWorld

Check out several of my travel diary posts that never made it to EEEtheWorld but are now available for your reading pleasure at

Some are quite personal and unedited.


Eating, Educating, and Exploring my way through this world!

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Must Read: 5 Food Systems Lessons the U.S Can Learn from Africa – EEEtheWorld

September 8, 2016

Must Read: 5 Food Systems Lessons the U.S Can Learn from Africa

This article is a culmination of all I am learning in my international development program, all I have experienced in my travels, all my motivation for Food System Change! Listen America. Kudos to Civil Eats, Author Jenifer Lentfer, and Yonas Yimerfor your leadership in food sovereigntyand spreading the word.


Eating, Educating, and Exploring my way through this world!

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3 Tips for Moving Forward With our New President – EEEtheWorld

November 9, 2016

3 Tips for Moving Forward With our New President

  1. BE YOUR CONNECTED SELF. America is founded on the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition.You are a strong, courageous, open, accepting individual and just because your ideals may not match with those of our new president,does not mean you have to concede to those ideals. That is part of the glory of our country.You are an individual who makes America great, andcan make America greater- together, united. No more hate on either side.You are incontrol of yourattitude,perspective, andaction regardless of the powers that be.Choose to move forward as a positive, contributing, open member of society. Remember that happiness is not circumstantial (aka dependent on who the president is). You can choose to find joy through your resilience, your respect,your care,your belief in yourself and yourconnectedness tofellow American citizens.
  2. DROP YOUR EGO ANDLISTEN. We all need to listen to each other and stop being so inclined to judge one another based on a check mark on a ballot. Remember that majority of the country was not voting for who they believed to be an ideal candidate anyway- red, blue, green, or otherwise.Ask without judgment, Why?Converse with the purpose of understanding. Drop assumptions on what it means to vote for a candidate other than one you identify with.Maybe you will even learn a thing or twoand can take this as an opportunity to better understand yourself.
  3. TAKE ACTION, BE ENGAGED. Accept this as an imminent sign that massive overhaul to our political system needs to happen.Bring on a bigger and brighter grassroots progressive agenda. Our system is set up for engagement through collective action and one individual can make that happen. Local candidates can be swayed by your opinionif you find enough constituents to stand with you. Call, meet, interact, and be involved yourself. That way, you are empowering change directly- or at least you can know for yourself that you tried your very hardest.


Eating, Educating, and Exploring my way through this world!