Showing all posts tagged "2016"
Heartburst: Denver – EEEtheWorld
In life there are moments that you do not understand; And in life there are moments that you do.
It’s all a balance.
Like a wave washing you a new, something happens in your life, and what you could not justify or reason before, suddenly makes sense and becomes shockingly clear. The seething hurt or loss you experienced, in retrospect, is now commensurate with understanding. In this clarifying culmination of events you realize that all the heartbreak is worth it; death and disaster part of this wave of life. For without that past darkness, the light now shining in front of you would not be so blazingly bright and beautiful.
Time is an outrageous perspective getter.
Love is a magical healer.
Words cannot express how peaceful, and proud, and grateful, and exhilarated I feel about exactly where I am at in my life, and where I am going.
Denver is miraculous, and so many pieces of the puzzle just fit in place here.
I signed a lease on this "KoKopelli Kottage" just blocks away from DU and a big yard for Dil.
I will be living with a young woman in the Korbel program with me, who is brilliant and easygoing, and her favorite band is my favorite band (Paperbird :), and I am hopeful the beginning of a lifelong friendship has commenced.
And I sat around our AirBNB porch upon arrival surrounded by old friends, drinking beer, laughing and smiling at the promise of what the future holds.
And I galavanted through Wash Park overjoyed at how quickly two old pals can reconnect.
And I marched around campus like I was 19 again.
And I hiked the flat-irons overlooking nature’s magnificence.
And I congratulated a dear friend and old colleague now living in Boulder for being recruited by FB.
And I partied with my Bro. And I networked with my Mom.
And I chatted with two cool dudes the entire plane ride home.
I am so grateful for everything in my life that has lead up to me being here! I am so thankful to be supported by so many inspiring and loving family, friends, and mentors.
Denver here I come. La vie est belle!
I am going embrace these good vibes, and ride this wave with a smile and lots of enthusiasm as long as i can
Posted on January 3rd, 2020
A lot can change in a year – EEEtheWorld
1 year ago today I buckled myself into my flight to Bangkok.
I traveled from Chicago, Ohare Intl –>Naratia, Japan –> Bangkok, Thailand –> Chiang Rai, Thailand (OCT/NOV) –>Hong Kong (1 week DEC) –> Bali (1 week DEC) –> Back to Bangkok and Phuket, Thailand with the fam –(2 weeks DEC) –> Home (Wisconsin JAN) for Xmas and to finish applying to Grad School –>Back through Bangkok (FEB 24 hrs) –> Pakse, Laos ( FEB jungle trek for 1 week) –> Vientienne, Laos –> Hanoi, Vietnam (FEB1 week)–> HaLong Bay, Vietnam (FEB3 days) –>Phnom Penh, Cambodia (MARCH3 weeks) –> SIem Reap, Cambodia (MARCH 1 week) –>Siahnoukville & Koh Rong, Cambodia (MARCH 3 days and not enough time!!) –> Krabi Thailand and Railey Beach & a couple "KOH’s" (islands)!! (MARCH 5 more days cuz I can never get enough of Thailand)–> Through Malaysia airport–> Singapore, Singapore ( MARCH 2 days) –> New Dehli, India –> Rishikesh, India (APRIL 1 month @ vinyasa yoga school) –> Kathmandu, Nepal (earthquake survivor) (MAY 1 week)–> Pokhara, Nepal (earthquake disaster relief) (MAY 4 days)–> Home sweet home.
I also had the opportunity to catch up with friends in Chicago, (MAY) Indianapolis (JUNE), and Evansville (JULY).
One of my favorite trips was the 10 hour drive from Mke, WI to Midway, KY where the LFA Headquarters is (JULY). The southern hospitality here is alive and well. I could not be more grateful to work towards the mission of advocating for local food enterprises.
But most of the summer was spent between Mequon, WI and Elkorn, WI (The Lake!) Home sweet Home to settle in with Dil the Pup.. Run by the river, or jump off the dock!
In AUG, I had the pleasure of driving across country with my parents and 2 dogs to start my new chapter in Denver, CO.
We stopped just outside of Des Moines, Iowa and a small mining town 2 hours east of Denver called (??). Traveling to my new home, across the US was extraordinary!
Now in Denver, CO, where I have settled just south of DU’s campus in the cutest Kokopelli Kottage ever, I am enjoying getting to know my neighborhood and surrounding hoods (Cap Hill, LoDo, Highlands, Union Station, Cherry Creek) and Boulder and THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS!!! Rocky Mountain High is Real!
Incontestably the past year is the most traveled and transformative 365 days of my life.The marvelous aspect is the adventure does not stop if you commit to a lifetime of open mindedness, empathy, and learning.
"EEE" Everyday.
The connections I’ve made with citizens across our globe are completely relevant to my physical, spiritual, mental and educational well being.
Now, as a Master’s Candidate at DU’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies in international development concentrating on global health and food security, I am embarking on a lifelong journey to make a career out of the compassion I lived everyday on the road.
If you’re thinking about letting go. LET GO.
Let go of security
Volunteer abroad
Immerse yourself out of your comfort zone
Experience perspectives from the opposite side of the planet
Never take for granted the support system back home
Believe in yourself
Accept that everything may happen for a reason- but you have to figure out what that reason is for yourself
Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Joyeuse Nouvelle 2016 – EEEtheWorld

Reflecting is a therapeutic process to ensure growth. Where have you been? Who were you with? What did you learn? Why was the moment significant to your life path? How does this experience impact your past, present, and future?
Here is a look at 2015 Month by Month…
The icy winter wonderland of home sweet home Wisconsin and Illinois and Indiana was a harsh change from the sunshine and humidity of the mountains I’d been trekking through and the Seas I’d been swimming in Thailand. But climate does not matter when you are surrounded by people you love. World travels puts that into perspective quickly, so I made the most of my month home by spending it with People I love!
Molly Roloff: NYE SNL Theme Party with her awesome homies in West Bend, WI)
Mom & Dad: Ice Skating at the Lakehouse in Elkhorn, WI and participating in the World’s Snow Sculpture Contest in Lake Geneva, WI
Nana: This brilliant 93 year old woman keeps inspiring me everyday and lives vicariously through my travels- I got my wanderlust from her!
The Rohrs: Amanda and Brian are best friends from college (Go Hoosiers!) and it is exciting to see Brooks exploring and settling into their new home in Downer’s Grove, IL.
The Indy Crew: Krista Robinson and Caroline Eaton. We had fun celebrating Brigg’s 3rd Bday with Lottie- It is incredible how fast these tots are growing up! in Brownsburg, IN.
The Homies: KK, KT, Sarah, & Gina all make me feel at home in Milwaukee.
Buggy: My Sissy let me crash at her cozy studio and she is cooking proof that a good chef can make delicious creations no matter the size of the kitchen!
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
I’m just gonna write… – EEEtheWorld

…and it’s going to change everyday. In the past, I’ve been overly concerned about having a perfect theme for this blog paired with perfect posts.
I’ve had so many ideas floating through my head that never come to fruition on this keyboard due to my fear of the literature not being just right.
Well 2016 is the year of mistakes… that is right… I am not afraid to just go for it. Trial and error = progress.
There are so many quotes that run through my head coinciding with this theme like Thomas Edison’s 100 or so attempts at creating the lightbulb and Michael Jordan not making his high school basketball team. A mentor of mine and past executive at SB, John Stoiber, runs a blog titled King of Failure "Failure is a moment – Success is a Lifetime". That’s what I am going for. You get this gist? Mark Cuban even declares that no one will remember your failures as soon as you achieve success.
And what does success look like for EEEtheWorld this year? Consistent writing. Period.
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Support Healthy Sustainable Lunch – EEEtheWorld
Props to organizations like FOCUS for paving their way innovatively in the complicated school lunch system. Keep up your hard work!
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Hunger, Faith & Food Conference – EEEtheWorld

Guest post by Andre Roux, Director of 25 Farms, My CSA go to and Chef of Hunger, Faith & Food Conference…
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Unpublished now published – EEEtheWorld
Unpublished now published

Check out several of my travel diary posts that never made it to EEEtheWorld but are now available for your reading pleasure at
Some are quite personal and unedited.
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Must Read: 5 Food Systems Lessons the U.S Can Learn from Africa – EEEtheWorld
Must Read: 5 Food Systems Lessons the U.S Can Learn from Africa

This article is a culmination of all I am learning in my international development program, all I have experienced in my travels, all my motivation for Food System Change! Listen America. Kudos to Civil Eats, Author Jenifer Lentfer, and Yonas Yimer for your leadership in food sovereignty and spreading the word.
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
3 Tips for Moving Forward With our New President – EEEtheWorld
- BE YOUR CONNECTED SELF. America is founded on the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition. You are a strong, courageous, open, accepting individual and just because your ideals may not match with those of our new president, does not mean you have to concede to those ideals. That is part of the glory of our country. You are an individual who makes America great, and can make America greater- together, united. No more hate on either side. You are in control of your attitude, perspective, and action regardless of the powers that be. Choose to move forward as a positive, contributing, open member of society. Remember that happiness is not circumstantial (aka dependent on who the president is). You can choose to find joy through your resilience, your respect, your care, your belief in yourself and your connectedness to fellow American citizens.
- DROP YOUR EGO AND LISTEN. We all need to listen to each other and stop being so inclined to judge one another based on a check mark on a ballot. Remember that majority of the country was not voting for who they believed to be an ideal candidate anyway- red, blue, green, or otherwise. Ask without judgment, Why? Converse with the purpose of understanding. Drop assumptions on what it means to vote for a candidate other than one you identify with. Maybe you will even learn a thing or two and can take this as an opportunity to better understand yourself.
- TAKE ACTION, BE ENGAGED. Accept this as an imminent sign that massive overhaul to our political system needs to happen. Bring on a bigger and brighter grassroots progressive agenda. Our system is set up for engagement through collective action and one individual can make that happen. Local candidates can be swayed by your opinion if you find enough constituents to stand with you. Call, meet, interact, and be involved yourself. That way, you are empowering change directly- or at least you can know for yourself that you tried your very hardest.
Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Prepare your spirit vegetable – EEEtheWorld
What’s your spirit vegetable?Take this quiz to find out! I’m very excited that my purple kohlrabis turned out so well!! Time to cook em up:
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020