Letter to Demma
Demma My Dear,
I cannot express to you how meaningful our conversation was the other day. I am confident you are taking steps in your life to get to an optimal, joyful point. It's not always easy and happiness is never constant, it arrives in moments that you have to treasure.
Although I've never been dedicated to one religion, I am a very spiritual person. For me, that intersection of peace and acceptance of yourself, and the closeness with Mother Nature or God or the Holy Spirit or whatever you want to call it, is ever-present up here, and I have an inkling that it will be for you too. Come... And maybe this is the something you are seeking.
In all my travels and education and experiences the one thing I have learned is simple, joyful, connectedness is what matters most. No matter where you are in the world, or what circumstances are present in your life, you can find this within you. It is not necessarily moving here that will bring you all the answers, but sometimes a change, albeit a physical move across the country, can serve as that catalyst whispering understanding within you and bringing self-righteous perspective on a grander scale.
To help you evaluate if a move to Colorado is the best next step for you, here are some resources/ links / books etc...:
University of Denver the Korbel School of International Studies
connections to Korbel ambassadors
**Most of these people have graduated, so I can reach out to see who new ambassadors are.
website for the human rights Center
My friend Leanne working in Human Trafficking:
Are you on linked? I can facilitate an introduction via Facebook messenger too!
pictures of inspiration:
good things to know before moving to Denver:
Really think about what you want to do:
Scott Dinsmore live your Legend Pack which spurred me to find my true calling!!!
(This is why I quit my job, traveled (read that!), got into my grad program, and arrived in Summit County working for HC3!!!)
A couple books of inspiration:
Mark Manson, The subtle art of not giving a f***
Jen Sincero, You are a BadAss
I also read Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling every morning because this helps center me with the bigger brighter mystery of this all.
This is where Ryan and I just moved: DILLON COLORADO!!
Come play with us :)
I also have a story for you Demma, the day after we spoke I was hiking in Boulder County and sat on a rock to meditate and pray for you and when I turned around, I'm not joking there was a humongous Young Buck. (I took a picture!)

I'm not sure if you believe in signs or Spirit Animals but I do and this is what the Young Buck means:
Only when we move through life in the spirit of love for all beings can we melt the barriers that separate us from others, from other life forms, and from the beautiful mystery which is our own magical and spiritual gift.
I thought this instance was cool; take it for what it's worth to you my deer :)
See you in Colorado soon!
All my love,