Something I am Proud of Accomplishing – EEEtheWorld
Something I am Proud of Accomplishing
My last day at HC3 is tomorrow (wrote this on 1/27/19). I’ve learned so much about leadership, outreach, waste reduction, sustainable food, energy efficiency, and water conservation through my work there the past year and a half as community programs coordinator. What I will miss most of all is sharing all of what I’ve learned with the kids. Seeing the impact of teaching and sustainable action like good scrap recycling in front of my eyes is something I’m very proud of. I’m also very grateful for the teachers, administrators, kitchen staff, and custodians who work tirelessly every day to keep food out of our landfill. Great thanks are also due to Recycle Across America for sponsoring labels for our school district. Here are recent photos of the progress. Keep of the great work SVE, DVE, and UBE. You’re setting great examples for the entire district!

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