Flashback Friday: mEEE Sis & Bro in CO – EEEtheWorld

"Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet."– Vietnamese Proverb
If church is time to be with your family, then my family’s church is our family text chain- most active on Sunday’s during the packer game
Mom & Dad (Mike & Cath) hold down the fort in the Quon & at The Lake.
Bug (Katie) is a nurse in the Windy City.
Buddy (Mikie) is an entrepreneur in LA.
I’m in CO, as you know.
And even though we are miles apart, I am so thankful, to not feel that way. I feel connected to my family. Sometimes more than others. But I sure am grateful to have a brother and a sister I also consider my best friends, who are supportive in a way that they can tell you how it really is, and still laugh and love them dearly.
In a flash, we are all suddenly adults, but our souls house our inner child.
The days of dressing up Mikie while playing "Donna & Jane" (Me- Donna, Katie- Jane, our imaginary dress up world as adults- this requires an entire post, ha!) are distant.
I am proud of who my brother and sister have become as adults.
I am grateful to have Mikie and Katie in my life.
I pray as we mature, find husbands & wives, and have our own children who have their own brothers and sisters, that they will have a similar, happy connection like we had growing up and have now. And of course that we will continually love each other, despite the trials and tribulations that life holds.
I love you Mikie & Katie.
Yours TrulEEE,
Your big Sister
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/brother_and_sister.html#AgKBaw9qyywywrpP.99
Source: www.eeetheworld.com