EEE…WHY!? – EEEtheWorld

Because EEE’ing feels, tastes, smells, sounds, and looks EXTRAORDINARY!
Why did I start this blog?
Read the full story on how EEEtheWorld originated here on This covers "letting go" and inspiration to begin (not the adventure of a lifetime) MAKING LIFETIME AN ADVENTURE.
What are the intentions for the blog?
Honestly, I am figuring that out. For the foreseeable future I will be easing from me mode to you mode. However, I’ve learned from past experiences both from crumpled relationships and career changes that I tend to not put my first and this causes more harm than good. So, right now I am asking for your pardon as this blog is in mEEE mode presently commemorating my recent travels to Thailand, Hong Kong, Bali, and back to Thailand.
Isn’t there a cliché saying that you have to love yourself first before you can truly love anyone else!? Well I am just going to plead that for the current mode of this blog…self love! This is baby blog mode and my intentions are to let it grow into whatever it becomes with lots of TLC.
Ideally, I’d like this site to become a niche for adventurers who pack light, eat right, conquer fright, and act bright while traveling and exude this mentality in their routine lifestyle as well.
Presently, there is no cure for "the travel bug". But EEE will serve as the treatment plan to maintain wellness on and off the road.
So welcome to EEE….right now, we are just gonna let mEEE bEEE!
Obviously, always open to suggestions at or the comments section below.
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