SEOT: Active Laundry – EEEtheWorld
While my laundry washed, rinsed, spun, and air tumbled, I worked out.
Lunges, squats, handstands, burpees, a bit of running in place, leg raises and some arm circles. A great way to pass the time and stay active during a somewhat passive task. This Active Lifestyle workout is inspired by Lorna Jane, the Australian workout queen.
Laundry here is not as passive. Admittedly, I usually drop a 2 to three kilos bag off in town over the weekend because for 90 baht all my travel clothes can be washed, dried, starched, ironed, and folded freshly nice! Worth the $2-3 dollars.
We have three machines at the mirror foundation. None of them have closed doors. What I mean is you drop your laundry into the half machine, turn on the water spigot, toss in some detergent, and let it go. Watching it swirl back and forth is quite mesmerizing. We use powdered detergent which for an enormous bag that seems it would last a year costs $2 or 60 baht. I manually switch to drain and then repeat the cycle while filling up with fresh water to rinse. Driers do not really exist in northern Thailand, thus you see all the glorious pictures of colorful clothes hung to dry under all the huts. The fantastic thing is you do not really need a closet because all you own is usually hung on the line.
A weekly task made active spontaneously! May try to make this one a ritual.
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
SEOT: Reviewing Religion – EEEtheWorld
"Regarding life, the wisest men of all ages have judged alike; it is worthless." -Freidrich Nietzsche
Several volunteers left to visit the light temple last evening. Since I had already been there, I took the time to review stances from all the world religions. Expand your mind- this chart helps tremendously:
I am often discouraged by how judgmental and disproving humans are of others with differing belief systems as their own. Many similar themes exist between all belief systems, maybe this is why it is so difficult to fully accept one religion as my own.
I have resplendent, open-minded faith in this universe and the benevolence of humanity.
A bit of Karl Marx (the often paraphrased quote) to challenge your thinking today:
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Why did I go? fEEEatured by Traveling9to5 – EEEtheWorld
Check out award winning travel blog (and dear friends and my inspiration couple -world travellers Care & Josh) for their new series… Why Did You Go? which will highlight those who left the 9-5 corporate lifestyle to do something different with their life.
Find out why they left, what inspired them and where they are now!
So EEEEExcited to be their first feature! Read my story here:
Thanks Care and Josh for leading the path! This series is going to be tremendous
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
EEEEE video – EEEtheWorld
I’m missing my family on thanksgiving but hopefully this will help us all feel the gratitude I have to be living in Thailand and the opportunity my parents provided me with to be here on this adventure. I just finished teaching a group of 10 young monks about thanksgiving and they shared some of their holiday traditions as well. A fantastic experience and exchange of cultures.
But to my parents…. My eee moment:
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
SEOT: Monkeying Around in Bali – EEEtheWorld
In the Ubud Monkey Sanctuary Forest I sat down and whispered… I want a monkey to sit on me- he heard! Loved every second of getting fresh with this little guy! Thanks to Catherine Perkins, a colleague turned travelista, for flying half way around the world to share theses moments with me and capturing this shot!
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
Peculiar things I love about HomEEE – EEEtheWorld

*****LUIE my dog!!!
1. Drinking shower water
2. Sleeping butt naked
3. Jet fuel Jaeger coffee and cream
4. Sprawling my stuff across my bedroom floor in organized chaos
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Posted on January 3rd, 2020
SEOT: Gluten free Christmas tree – EEEtheWorld

Frienz’s market has a marvelous sense of humor. The sign advertising their Christmas trees read: Free range, non GMO, gluten free, cut and live trees. We bought one! Too bad it’s not organic…hah!
Posted on January 3rd, 2020
MerrEEE Christmas – EEEtheWorld
Arriving home from three months of adventuring around Asia, this Christmas I’m feeling more blessed than ever. In a warm, happy, spacious house our family – just Mikie, Katie, Mom, Dad, Luie and I – will share our love and exchange gifts, and enjoy the most scrumptious breakfast egg casserole as tradition! My stomach is already gurgling thinking about the gooey goodness.
Every year, I’m eternally grateful to have a family that not only loves and supports one another no matter where we are, but genuinely enjoys spending time with one another when we are together.
I’m eager to see my God Parents, Aunt Robin and Uncle Chip, this afternoon as they bring a sense of reality and dose of humor to the occasion. In addition, my Aunt Robin closely competes with my mother for best chef in the kitchen and her appetizers are to die for! My Mother, Chef Cathy’s Holiday Feast this evening, will be no shorter than five courses, as it has been for nearly a decade. We will say grace and descend upon the food and drink and fill ourselves full of expensive wine and locally grown, home cooked food until we are silly.
The fact that we can eat like this does not go without recognizing how many hungry, lonely people there may be across the globe tonight and our hearts are with you. In honor of this, we support local endeavors in Milwaukee to end hunger and educate children on growing healthy food and practicing a nutritious diet. Read more about The Farm at the Hunger Task Force here!
Nana, at 93, recovering from multiple strokes in 2014, may not exactly be herself. However, this classy lady’s charm will surely sear through her senility and her quips on politics or past adventures of her own global trotting will slip out from time to time. I will hold these priceless moments in my heart so tight, understanding that there may be a time when these mumbles are only memories. I love my Nana dearly and her wit and resilience throughout her life is an inspiration to all who know her. Both my grandmothers have made a tremendous impact in shaping who I am as a young women.
This Christmas, I reflect upon the friends and students I’ve met all over the world. Some will be celebrating "the reason for the season" or simple family traditions, or not celebrating at all; May your day be merry and bright no matter what Christmas means to you.
My mind drifts to a favorite student and local village girl from Chiang Rai, Nah-ah, who in several English lessons, shared a special passion for learning about the holidays. Nah-ah let me know her family celebrates Christmas. Tonight they will go to church and sing which brings her great joy. I hear your sweet voice, sweet girl, from the opposite side of the planet and I hope the carols we practiced come in handy today!
May the volunteers I met have a purposeful celebration and may your adventures continue at home or wherever you are! Every individual I’ve met "on the road" has helped to shape me into my healthiest, simplest, most grateful self and that is the best gift anyone could ask for- Thank you!
MerrEEE Christmas to All!
Lots of Love,
Hallie (LouLou) Jaeger
Posted on January 3rd, 2020